For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion

>> Friday, April 06, 2007

Have mercy on us and on the whole world!

Good Friday. This is the most intense day of the Liturgical Year for me. Yet I look forward to it. We have come to the end of our desert journey. We arrived last night at the Lord's last supper, we followed him to the Garden of Gethsemane. We were called to a Holy Priesthood and to celebrate His sacrifice in the Mass. Today we witness the depth of His sacrifice in His awful suffering:

His Trial
His Scourging
His Heavy Cross
His Death

It makes me tremble, truly. In fact this song is what brings it all home to me. I can feel the deep grief that His Blessed Mother felt. I feel the weight of my sins. I understand most deeply - like on no other ocassion - the words of the Centurion: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. But only say the word and I shall be healed". Amen!

Today we fast once again. The hunger we feel this day will be satisfied both physically and spiritually on Sunday. We will feast and celebrate with our families and friends in Thanksgiving for our Salvation. We will come to the Table with renewed joy and gratitude to once again receive Him whom we mourn today.

Today, we begin the Novena of Divine Mercy. It is a powerful devotion. It is said that even the most hardened sinner can recite this only once will receive mercy. Today at 3pm, the hour of Our Saviour's death, you can join in with this beautiful version of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, offered in three parts:

Part I
Part II
Part III

Come along, we will go together to stand at His feet and behold the wood of the cross on which is hung our Salvation. Let us mourn today in gratitude for His suffering - for our sakes for on the third day we shall rejoice in the promise of Eternal Life!


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